IMPORTANT! Daca sunteti interesati de produsele noastre si doriti sa faceti comanda, va rugam intai sa contactati consultantii pentru a stabili pretul, disponibilitatea produselor in stoc, caracteristicile lor exacte și accesoriile care vin impreuna cu produsul. Preturile, caracteristicile produselor și aspectul lor pot varia in functie de producator /vanzator fara notificare prealabila. Vă multumim pentru ințelegere!
AC1200 Mesh Wireless Range Extender TP-LINK "RE300", 1200Mbps Extends dual-band Wi-Fi across your home to eliminate Wi-Fi dead zones. Creates a Mesh network by connecting to a OneMesh router for seamless whole-home coverage. Operates over both the 2.4 GHz band (300 Mbps) and 5 GHz band (867 Mbps) for more stable wireless experience. Smart signal indicator helps to find the best location for optimal Wi-Fi coverage by showing the signal strength. Push the WPS button to easily set up a Mesh network you can uniformly manage from the Tether app or Web UI. Works with any Wi-Fi router or wireless access point.
MDL 634.00
800-900 Mbps